Generating an Invoice for RNDR Credits

Information for registering a RNDR Credit purchase as a business expense

For all users who intend to use the Render Network as part of a production pipeline for professional work, using RNDR Credits can be useful for accounting for the Render Network as a business expense. For all users using Stripe during checkout, you are able to enter in VAT information if purchasing from a country or region where that is applicable.

In addition, generated invoices will now include more detailed information, such as an invoice number, receipt number, date of payment and method of payment.

For users who have previously struggled to register RNDR Credit purchases as business expenses, these updates aim to significantly simplify the purchasing experience for studios and larger organizations. With the update, studios and larger organizations can now use the Render Network within their existing purchasing and accounting flows, enabling them to more easily access near unlimited decentralized GPU computing power on the network.

If there is additional information still needed in order to register your RNDR Credit purchase as a business expense, please contact the support email for assistance.

Last updated